Monday, April 3, 2017


HOLA Y'ALL!!!!!!!!!!

  Another week in Eastland has gone by! This week was spring break, and so most of our investigators/members/everyone was gone. BUT on Tuesday we got to help a member clean his house! They live in a church that they renovated into their home, and they needed help cleaning up the BAPTISMAL FONT. (Which is now their tornado shelter lol) But it was so awesome! So pics included for that, but they are such an awesome family, and so it was sweet being able to do that!
  Then on Saturday we drove up to Breckinridge to go visit some people (45 minute drive north), and when we got there we realized we had forgotten EVERYTHING. Like our map, ward directory, GPS, referral sheet, literally everything. So we thought "Ok we can just go to the library and we can print everything there" well we drive over to the library and it was CLOSED. So we looked everywhere in our car for something to do, and we saw a GPS button on the front of the dashboard, so we clicked it, and a lady came over the car and directed us to a couple of our places! Haha which was a life saver, but it was pretty "eventful" day lol.
  Ok this is ironically funny: So we went to go visit an investigator, and he had been struggling with a drug problem, and so we were like ok get rid of the drugs, and so he said "Ok you want to watch me?" So we went to his toilet and had him flush them. wellllll they didn't flush the first time, so we re-flushed, and it didn't go down a second time... SO FINALLY the third time they went down bahahah it was so anticlimactic, but we're so happy for him!
  That's all the news for this week! A saying I've been trying to use more this week is "Virtue is humility" I've been trying to apply it to my missionary work and just to my life. I am so so so grateful for the city of Eastland and my companion! We have been working so hard together and we're literally EXHAUSTED every night we come home. But I think the harder we work the happier I am :))) Hope y'all have a great week, thanks for all the emails and letters, y'all are just the best :)))

con MUCHO amor,
Hermana Neilson

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